Product coding is used to classify goods and services. UN Procurement Officers select one or more NSPSC code to indicate the product or service their agency needs to procure or search for potential suppliers gistered and accepted by one or more UN agency from the UNGM database. It is, therefore, vitally important that you select the most accurate UNSPSC codes to describe your goods/services.
A - Raw Materials, Chemicals, Paper, Fuel
B - Industrial Equipment & Tools
C - Components & Supplies
D - Construction, Transportation & Facility Equipment & Supplies
E - Medical, Laboratory & Test Equipment & Supplies & Pharmaceuticals
F - Food, Cleaning & Service Industry Equipment & Supplies
G - Business, Communication & Technology Equipment & Supplies
H - Defense, Security & Safety Equipment & Supplies
I - Personal, Domestic & Consumer Equipment & Supplies
J - Services
click “Products” to see more